Monday, May 14, 2012

Delaware Marathon 2012 Race Recap

Thanks shoes!
Today marks a major milestone in my life: I've completed my first marathon.  This race is part of a journey that began as a weight loss mission, but has transformed into a pursuit of continuous improvement for my health and body.  Before I even start on the actual race recap, I want to thank everyone that has supported me especially my loving wife that had to deal with my crazy training schedule!


I have been following Hal Higdon's 18-week training plan (Intermediate 1) which was very consuming.  I don't know if it was the best plan to follow, but it certainly put a lot of miles under my legs.  Overall, i logged about 460 miles in about 4 months.  

Race Day

I have had a whirlwind past two weeks (Sprint Tri, GMAT exam, trip to NYC, Broad St, trip to Michigan) and landed back in Philly on Saturday before the race.  I was well rested from my taper and full of energy, but we had to head to Delaware to pick up our race packets.  My wife was running the 8-person relay.  Finally race day came and I was surprisingly not that nervous as we headed down there.  A banana, a granola bar, coffee...I was ready to rock.   I had my GU's in my belt and everything was ready!  The start area was really playing...a big mascot shoe walking around...plenty of race day anxiety in the air as well!  At just before 7AM the marathoners were called to start line and before I knew it the gun went off!

Miles 1-6 "This is awesome!"

Easy peasy.  I started out at a 8min pace, but after 2 miles sped to a comfortable 7:45 pace.  I stayed with a group of people that were chatting and that helped.  I felt great!

Feelin' great and crusin'!

Miles 6-13 "The hills are not too bad...the first time around"

Mile 6 is where the hills on this course reared their ugly heads.  For those that have run Caeser Rodney Half, you are familiar with them.  This first loop I didn't really mind them and just powered up.  A guy next to me was like "we'll be hating these things next time around."  What foreshadowing.  Once at the top, we ran through some neighborhoods and the italian area and back down the beast.  Just before the halfway mark we had yet another beast to climb (although not nearly as long).  I clocked in my half marathon at 1:44....right on pace for 3:30.

Thanks Rob S. for the profile.  This is from CR half but basically the same.

Miles 13-19 "My leg's feel like lead weights...are we done yet?"

Brandywine Bridge!
Now my legs started to hurt.  I walked for 10 seconds at mile 16.  My mind was focused on just moving forward and as a result I lost some speed.  I dropped pretty far down to a slow 9:30 pace.  At this point, my legs felt like lead weights and I hadn't even come to the hills yet!  I was pretty scared that I would have to stop, but i just keep going.  I kept thinking of things during the race: my brother-in-law who is currently in Afghanistan on SEAL duty, my brother who just graduated from medical school, my parents, my grandparents, my life, my future, my dog, my just kept going.  I need something to think about to take my mind off of the pain and the heat.  The sun was pounding on us and everyone was grabbing water at the stops.  I would take two and dump one on my head.  We ran across the Brandywine River on a really cool bridge.  It was really a nice scenic route with lots of tree cover, which was needed in this heat.

Miles 19-24  "Ow...ow...Ow...this sucks"

This part sucked.  The hills were just death.  Everyone was walking and even as i tried to trot up them i think i got passed by a walker.  I made it up them and around mile 22 in the neighborhoods, i felt a sharp pain in my outer right foot.  I thought this was something like PF, although it wasn't in the heel.  Every single step i took sent a searing pain up my leg.  I still had 4.2 miles to go!  I promised my mom that if something went wrong i would stop.  So i stopped, and stretched the foot.  It didnt help a ton, but I was going to I set back out.  I was limping pretty bad through the next 3 miles and probably was in the 10:30 range.  I took it 1 mile at a time and re-evaluated each time.  I knew i could finish.

Miles 24-26.2 "I can do this.  I am going to do this.  I did it!"

Almost at the finish line!
After descending the beast again, i knew i could do it.  My mind was just fried.  My legs were shredded.  My foot was screaming.  We still had about a .75 mile hill to climb and I promised myself i wouldn't stop...and i didnt...i just kept trucking along.  At mile 26 i knew it was close...but that last .2 certainly is a cruel trick!  As i turned the corner into the final straightaway all of a sudden i had the desire to sprint!  Stupid i know but I wanted to look good for the cameras!  I crossed!  I got medaled and immediately began looking for my wife...she was such a pretty sight to see.  She carried me over to the curb where I planted my butt for about 20 minutes.  I probably should have continued walking, but i could not think of anything else.  I wanted to sit and drink water.  Thanks wifey for putting up with me!


Water.  Sit.  More water.  Sit.  Attempt to stand.  Sit. Water.  Finally I got up and got hobbled to some food.  We munched on a lot of things, but I didnt have the energy to walk a lot.  We headed home and i began my recovery.  It started with a 1/2 pound bacon-guac cheeseburger at Devil's Alley (unbelievable) and continued with a sedan sized Reese's Peanut Butter Cup/Oreo mix ice-cream at Scoop DeVille.  I later found out that i likely have a stress fracture in my foot.  Bad news.  Looks like I will have a few more weeks off than planned.  But I had a great time nonetheless and am so happy to have accomplished this!

I ran for my mom on Mother's Day!
Overall time: 3:49:26