Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why do we run?

Every runner will get this question asked to them at some point in their running career.  Run 3 miles and you get a pat on the back, a "job well done."  But run anything close to 6 miles people will start saying "is that healthy?" They may have a point!  Is it healthy to consistently run more than 3 miles?  When you are hitting upwards of 35-45 miles per week, what is that actually doing for you?  Do a google search of marathoner and you'll get something like this:

Now do another google search for sprinter and you'll probably find something like this:

I'm not trying to say that one is better than the other, but there clearly is a difference!  Saying you run to be healthy may the reason you started, but it is most likely not the reason you continue.  I am starting to believe that it is an addiction just like anything else.  "But wait just a second....it's healthy for you....how can that be an addiction?"  Didn't your mother teach you anything?? Too much of a good thing is bad!  Running releases endorphins, and most runner get addicted to this feeling.  I am absolutely one of them!  I am currently training for my first marathon, but I am slowly realizing that it's not necessarily the healthiest thing for me to be doing.  I would much rather have the well-round physique of the lower athlete than the scrawny body of the marathoner.  After my marathon, I will be committing myself to full-body workouts that include shorter runs with cross-fit type workouts to supplement.  As much as I love running, I am a firm believer that it is "too much" for me!

Does running feel good??  When did it start feeling good for you?

For me, running feels great, but its the moment I'm done that I really reap the rush of it all.  I remember thinking not long ago that I would never be able to run a mile without hating life.  I can probably run 10 now at a decent pace and enjoy every minute of it!  While that is a great accomplishment, where's the end?  26.2miles? 50K? 100miles?  There is no end, and I need to limit myself to what makes me a truly better person.

Sooooo (after the rant) I will probably stick to olympic/half tri's and half marathons after this year.  I really want to see if I can truly transform my body to its full potential, and this will require investment in the weight room!

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